Wrist Laser Therapeutic Apparatus

How do the laser acupuncture to reduce the diabetes ?

A: The blood sugar means the glucose in blood, which is the main energy source of human. Excessive high blood sugar will lead to aggravating β-cell’s insulin secretion and it may develop into diabetes as time went by. Once a patient had the diabetes, it may become a lifelong disease. In China, the diabetics have reached 3%~5% of the total population, and the patients group  is over 50,000,000 , 90% of this amount belongs to Ⅱ type diabetes. 

The semiconductor laser treatment instrument has good effects on diabetics and the effective rate achieved 96%. Specifically some syndromes, such as concurrent peripheral neuritis, diabetic nephropathy, retinal fundus disease  and skin ulcers etc, irradiation therapy by semiconductor laser treatment instrument can reach higher cure rate than drug therapy, since the former can achieve specific result on anti-oxidation and anti-peroxidation of lipid and improve the condition of blood rheology and micro-circulatory,  therefore it plays an important role on prevention and treatment to diabetic microangiopathy  --

As the marketing feedback, the COZING-WS11C  could treatment and prevent the diabetes caused complications , but reduce the high blood sugar efficiency is not obviously. Although rare customers give us the feedback, the COZING-WS11C do help them reduced the high blood sugar , but the efficiency rate should low , unfortunately we have no data there. 

And some domestic marketing also use the following ways to treatment the high blood sugar, and they said that, the efficiency is rather good, please kindly check it as following:


Here is no 2nd document here, but you find the answer at the study part. 
